10/4/1931Tower first open to the public
December 2017In the Spring of 2018, the DNR closed the tower based on a one day inspection,  US forestry Lab condition report showing considerable decay. No review of repairing the tower was performed, stating they would have to take it down and bring it to their lab to make that determination 
03/23/2018Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) inspection/report
03/07/2019Wood Research and Development (WRD) preliminary report
06/04/2019WRD design summary
01/21/2020In response to WRD’s report the DNR provided a third party engineers review (Brander Report) of both the US forestry lab deterioration study and the WRD Condition and repair engineering, which found the tower could be repaired,  but for added  “safety” the wood stairs should be changed to steel, that simple alteration changed the scope of work from a “repair“ in the WRD engineering recommendations to a “alteration” by choice, yet the DNR did not considered this same change necessary on the Newly Built Eagle tower that was built with wood stair treads. 
2020Tower placed on national register of historic places
04/09/2021WRD engineered and stamped plans for Restoration
2021WRD stamped plans sent to Department of Administration
2022Currently the DNR is providing a third-party engineering review of WRD’s report, which outlines a preferred in-place restoration of the tower. Results from the third-party review are expected within the next few months.
April 2022DNR releases RFP for restoring the Tower. But the RFP has a poison pill because respondents are required to include ADA options, which would violate the historic status. Also, a decision by the state is not expected until after the November election. This means the DNR wants the Tower to degrade to a point of no return and the “final” result to be after the election. https://doorcountypulse.com/fourth-study-commissioned-for-potawatomi-tower-delays-repairs-beyond-november-election/
April 25, 2022Gov. Evers visits Potawatomi Park Tower to make a formal announcement of award of contract to GRAEF for further study and a promise to include money for Tower in 2023-2025 biennial budget. After the formal meeting he promises to allocate money this year to protect the Tower from further degradation. Rep. Kitchens and other point out that there is no guarantee the legislature will approve the Governor’s 2023-2025 budget with Tower money. Even assuming Governor Evers is re-elected